Student Success Story- Allie Bauer

Allie Bauer is a Junior Mechanical Engineering major and was hired by Miller Electric as a Mechanical Engineering Intern for the Summer of 2024.

What did you work on this summer? I redesigned several pieces of equipment used to test new weld processes and apparatuses to increase efficiency, accuracy, and ease of use.

What’s the best thing about your job?  I appreciated getting a hands-on, real-world experience in multiple parts of the engineering process, from research to design to manufacturing to testing.

What’s great about your company?  One of my favorite things about Miller was the open-door policy. I really appreciated being able to talk to anybody and everybody about anything an any time. It was clear that Miller had my best interest in mind, and I really appreciated the insight gained from this experience.

How did you find your internship opportunity?  I found my internship via a Job Board (LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.) 

How did the Career Connections Center help you with your internship search? The Career Connections Center helped me refine my résumé and my Handshake/LinkedIn profiles. They also helped me manage negotiations during the application process.

By Amber French
Amber French Assistant Director of Career Development and Coaching