Student Success Story- Braden Everson

Braden Everson is a Sophomore Computer Science major and was hired by Cognex as a Software Development Intern for the summer of 2024.

What did you work on this summer? I’m working on an R&D project on the Firmware side of Cognex’s Software. The goal of my project is to document and implement the steps necessary to rewrite a part of the Cognex codebase in Rust. Rust is a more memory safe language than C/C++, making it potentially very beneficial for mission critical software, which Cognex’s cameras certainly are.

What’s the best thing about your job?  The best thing about my job is definitely the creativity it allows me to express. Working on an intern project that explores such an uncharted area for Cognex is extremely rewarding. I love experiencing the unique challenges this sort of task holds, and being able to work alongside and ask questions to the rest of my team (Team Gryphon!) has significantly expanded my knowledge in this field. There is one other intern in my team, Robert Myers, who has made it especially easy to integrate myself into the workflow especially during the earlier onboarding days.

What’s great about your company?  What’s great about Cognex is how well they foster your passion to learn more. Not only do they give you goals that let you learn and grow, but they also have an extremely friendly workplace environment that makes it super easy to reach out to others when you do need help.

How did you find your internship opportunity?  I found my internship at the MSOE Career Fair.  

How did the Career Connections Center help you with your internship search? The Career Connections Center helped me to refine and rework my resume. Through drop in meetings and time spent in IDS 2020, I can confidently say that my likelihood to be hired for the summer by a company like Cognex was exponentially increased.  

By Amber French
Amber French Assistant Director of Career Development and Coaching