Student Success Story- Troy Wypishinski-Prechter

Troy Wypishinksi-Prechter is a Junior Computer Engineering major and was hired by HED as a Software Engineering intern for the summer of 2023.

What did you work on this summer?

I worked with a team of 6 interns to create a user interface for a CNC machine that the production team will use on later products. This involved making a user-friendly interface. We also implemented a safety light curtain to better protect the staff who will e using this. I also worked on some internal testing and data analytics.

What was the best thing about your job?

The best thing about my job was learning how to properly use vim/nvim. The second-best thing was how the intern team got along so well and was able to work side by side on the projects.

What’s great about your company?

The greatest part about HED was the small community. I could talk to anyone and feel welcome there. They pride themselves on working together and it shows how closely everyone collaborates and how they are all willing to help each other.

How did you find your internship opportunity?

I found this internship at the Career Fair.

By Emma Philipps
Emma Philipps Assistant Director of Career Development and Coaching