We’re happy to announce our new MSOE Co-op Program! Because we’ve transitioned to a 2 semester academic calendar, MSOE students are now able to participate in a traditional Co-op work experience that can span a Fall or Spring Semester along with a corresponding Semester.

An MSOE Co-op is a full-time employment opportunity that coincides with our academic schedule- 16 weeks during Fall or Spring Semester, and 13 weeks during a Summer Semester.

An MSOE Co-op is a paid, structured experience where employers provide a variety of work responsibilities along with generous technical and professional support. Students will have the opportunity to do hands-on work in a professional setting, learn about an industry, and make a valuable contribution to your employer, as well as increase their major related knowledge and skills.

While students won’t take classes on campus, they maintain their full-time student status. They’ll be registered in a university Co-op course, and although it is a zero-credit course with no fees, it will be reflected on their transcript.

We encourage employers to post Co-op opportunities on Handshake, and we invite you to recruit for your Co-op positions at our Fall and Spring Career Fairs.

Please visit the links below for more information about an MSOE Co-op Program employer’s responsibilities. Julie Way, Director of the Career Connections Center is the MSOE Co-op Program Coordinator- contact her at with questions or more information.